Advantages of air fryers
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-11 21:16:24    文字:【】【】【

Air fryer is an electric appliance that can be heated. The principle is similar to that of an oven, but there is a big difference in appearance. So how to use the air fryer?

How to use air fryer

First of all, use hot water, detergent and other air deep fryer into and out of the line of cleaning, to ensure the use of health and safety; Then put the air fryer on a smooth table, connect the power and preheat the air fryer, then open the air fryer and put the food ingredients into the pot, set the time to press the open key, arrive at the time to take out to eat.

Advantages of air fryers

1, fast efficiency, simple operation

Home oven should know, whether large or small oven in the production of food before the first empty machine preheating, preheating time is about 10-30 minutes, too short time food cooked slowly, too long will shorten the service life of the oven, cooking a meal is a little trouble, air fryer relatively a bit of a fool to operate.

2, do not take up space, save space

The smallest household oven is 15L, the family is generally used about 25-40L, large volume, weight is not light, but also covers an area of children, especially for those themselves are not small kitchen, air fryer this point is better, the size of a rice cooker, put it away after use, very easy to move.

Compared to the oven, the air fryer is smaller in volume, and preheat fast, simple a few minutes, can be very good heating, its simple operation, will need to cook the ingredients into it, turn on the power, can be done in a few minutes, convenient and quick. Purchase link

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